The vision for this ministry is focused on connecting lay volunteers with isolated members of our congregation and community through a ministry of visitation, with possibly offering Holy Communion. Our hope is to empower others to share in the joy and blessing of being part of this outreach ministry, by sharing God's love. A ministry that blesses both the receivers and the givers.
OELC and UCC working together
*Joining the faith, skills and experiences of Leadership teams from OELC and UCC
*EACH congregation will serve their own members, in their own way
*Outreach effort to include members who are already reaching out
*Matching a volunteer with an isolated member of the congregation or community
*Ongoing support for volunteers by Leadership Teams
1 Corinthians 12 talks about our spiritual gifts, that there are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. Different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all of us. The body of Christ of which we are all a unit, is made up of many parts.
2 Corinthians talks about encouraging generosity... of sharing our gifts... the gift of reaching out to others in God's love....as we are blessed, we bless others.